China glass lined vertical storage tank is lined on the inner surface of the steel container, and after high-temperature combustion, it firmly adheres to the metal surface, becoming a composite material product. As mentioned earlier, it is made at high temperatures, so there are certain methods for its high-temperature collection. Let us introduce to you below:
1、 Water heating:
It can be used when the temperature is not high, and the heating system has two options: on and off.
The open type is simple and consists of a circulation pump, water tank, pipeline, and control valve regulator. When using high-pressure water, high mechanical strength of the equipment is required. The outer surface of the reaction vessel is welded with coils, and there is a gap between the coils and the vessel wall, which increases thermal resistance and reduces heat transfer efficiency.
2、 Steam heating:
When the temperature of the glass lined vertical storage tank is high, high-pressure superheated steam can be used.
When the heating temperature is below 100 degrees Celsius, steam at a pressure below one atmosphere can be used for heating.
3. Use saturated steam within the range of 100~180.
3、 Electric heating:
The resistance wire is wrapped around the insulation layer of the reactor body or installed on a special insulator at a certain distance from the glass lined vertical storage tank, thus forming a small spatial gap between the resistance wire and the reactor body.
4、 Heating with other media:
If the process requires operation at high temperatures or avoids the use of high-pressure heating systems, other media can be used instead of water and steam. Such as mineral oil (275~300), diphenyl ether mixture (boiling point 258), molten salt (140~540), liquid lead (melting point 327), etc.
With the development of technology, glass lined vertical storage tank are constantly being replaced and their functions are becoming more and more extensive. When we use high temperatures in production, we can use the four methods mentioned above, which are simple, easy to understand and operate. However, protective measures should be taken during the acquisition process to avoid injury from high temperatures.